Not in the Contract, Not Part of the Deal
If it’s not part of the contract, it’s not part of the deal. This is one of 10 truths in technology deal making [Business Advice,
Two Truths Behind Securing Better Deals
Over the course of 37 years in the business of technology deal-making, I’ve learned a lot about the people and 10 truths that play a
Leasing’s Different When It’s Laptops
Laptops are increasingly used in today’s mobile workforce computing environment, and in corporate America, a good percentage of them are leased. Many laptop lessors start
Be Wary of Annual Revenue Commitment
By Joe Auer A customer recently negotiated an agreement that called for an annual revenue commitment to the supplier. It’s quite common for a supplier
Don’t Let Vendors Hold You Hostage
The following onerous provision regarding a customer’s payment obligations was uncovered during a review of a vendor’s proposed software licensing contract: Licensee shall pay vendor
Keep Consultants Far From the Enemy
Consultants, at least the successful ones, earn a living selling their knowledge, services, intellectual property and the like to a wide range of clients. Sometimes
Two Essential Parts for Service Contracts
If you’re drafting a contract for a vital ongoing service such as outsourcing or telecommunications, business continuation and transition clauses should be essential parts of
Make Sure Consultants Will Keep Your Secrets
Confidentiality and secrecy agreements between customers and outside consultants are very important. The nature of consultants’ work means that they will probably have access to
If a Vendor Offers the ‘Lunch’ Ploy, Don’t Bite
Vendors are notorious for adeptly using ploys to gain an advantage over the competition – and over us, the customers. Our challenge is to recognize
Vendor Short-listing: The Long and Short
Implementing a “zone of consideration” – or creating a shortlist of potential vendors for a particular purchase – is a very important step in optimizing
Don’t Allow Vendor Disappearing Acts
Most, if not all, vendors’ standard form agreements give the vendor the unilateral right to assign at least part of the responsibilities outlined in the
A ‘Top-Down’ Look In Challenging Times
As the daily media drumbeat of “economic downturn” picks up volume, we’ll no doubt be challenged to optimize IT costs and value as we move