Potential Supplier: XYZ Corporation
Date: January 5, 2011
- Meeting Arrangements and Schedule
- Introductions
- Ground rules
- Meeting objectives
- “Potential supplier” intentions/needs
- User intentions/needs
- Agenda review
- Agreement potential
- Supplier’s Representations and Commitments
- Supplier’s presentation of “deliverables”
- Inclusion of supplier proposal in agreement/penalties
- Inclusion of benchmark results in agreement/penalties
- Acceptance criteria/remedies
- Hardware
- Software/operating
- Software/application
- Ongoing performance criteria/remedies
- Maintenance
- Systems support
- Hardware: current and future
- Operating software: current and future revisions
- Application software
- Crisis management methodology
- User’s explanation of concerns (if any)
- Resolution of concerns (if possible)
- No resolution: continuation decision by user (if applicable)
- Agreement on supplier’s ability to perform
(including warranties and remedies acceptable to user)
- Supplier’s presentation of “deliverables”
- Caucus/Break: Discuss privately where you are with the negotiation
- Supplier Payment Aspirations
- Review of supplier concessions
- Review of payment schedule vs. user risk (various timeframes)
- Caucus/Break: Discuss privately where you are with the negotiation (Resume meeting, if appropriate)
- Supplier’s Ability to Meet User’s Critical Needs
- Configuration warranty
- Emergency hardware replacement
- Delivery standards and detailed installation plan
- Installation hours
- Damages for late delivery, installation or acceptance
- Interim equipment
- Free documentation copies
- Guaranteed maintenance for “system life”
- Performance bond
- Price warranty[Note: The above points are examples only. The agenda should list principal contractual points or concessions deemed necessary by the user.]
- Caucus/Break: Discuss privately where you are with the negotiation
- Supplier’s Presentation of Contractual Documents to Substantiate Representations
- Presentation and review of documents by supplier’s counsel
- Comment by user’s counsel
- Conceptual agreement (if possible)
- Assignment of drafting responsibilities and completion dates
- Ingredients for Success
- Review remaining tasks, responsibilities and timeframes
- Review points of agreement; consider any remaining problems
- Schedule contract signing or outline objectives for next meeting